Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Life of an MS3 on Clerkships

The Lost Puppy

I'm on Week 3 of my OB/GYN rotation, and I've been having a blast (for the most part). However, much to my dismay, I've found that no one really knows what our schedule is. The first doctor I worked with in gyn clinic had no idea that I was coming in, and when she asked when I would return, it was on a day that the office was closed! Same with my attending on my first L&D shift, which was very graciously given from 7pm-7am on the 4th of July! Watching dtLA fireworks from the Ob department on the very top floor of Good Samaritan Hospital actually wasn't the worst way to celebrate America's birthday (sadly, didn't see any babies born on the 4th, but they did come out after midnight!).

Anyway, as an MS3, our only real role is to learn. Most times I feel like a lost puppy following on the heels of pretty much any doctor who doesn't mind having a shadow who may sometimes get in the way. I was in the OR yesterday and found myself blindly following the next MD to walk past me. Luckily, I snapped out of it and realized that I had no business following him. Today, I spent a good 2 hours trying to figure out where I'm supposed to be from vague instructions telling me to report to one of the GS-affiliated medical towers for some "Ob private practice experience". I scoured the entire tower looking for anything remotely Ob and USC-affiliated since there was no suite number given. I even wandered back to my kennel in L&D at Good Sam to look for either of my attendings. No luck. Finally got an email back from my track director with the suite number, and, lo and behold, no one was there and they don't see patients on Wednesday. Where to go??? Here is a snapchat story of my (mis)adventures:

<got permission

20 chapter, 20 question quiz. Ha

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